About Us
Fantasy Coin, LLC designs and manufactures fantasy currencies based on fictional worlds. Whether from popular MMO's, movies, or original design, our coins, bars, and gems undergo months of research and development to provide an authentic look, weight and sound to reproduce the genuine 'feel' of a fantasy currency.
When it comes to coinage, gamers have until now been forced to improvise, either by using real money or by painting plastic chips. No more! Our high quality currencies provide the perfect detailed enhancement for any fantasy community or role-play scenario.
We understand how important the lore is to gamers and collectors, and our products are designed to reflect and respect that fact. With no fantasy realm too big or too small, our fantasy currencies are a no-compromise addition to any gaming experience!
Mission Statement
Fantasy Coin, LLC promises to provide affordable, high level 'true-to-game' fantasy currencies whilst maintaining the best possible quality standards.
Core Values
1. Provide a genuine 'true-to-game' experience.
2. An uncompromising commitment to quality.
3. Add value to brands.
4. Exceed all expectations, those of customers, and our own.
5. Maintain an accurate delivery time line.
6. To learn and grow.
7. Leave no question unanswered.
Finally, a word from our CEO.
As a huge gamer, I have often wished I could bring a piece of my favorite fantasy experience back from the digital environment and into the real world. And what could be better than a pile of gold coins?! We at Fantasy Coin, LLC are dedicated to providing the best service at affordable prices. Our coins, bars, and gems are high quality, durable and have no branding on the coins themselves, as you would expect from an actual coin to look coming from your favourite fantasy realm. Coins were not meant to be locked away in a box to be viewed from afar, they were meant to be handled! We don't want to look into a fantasy universe through another window, we want to dig our hands in that loot!
Digital characters can be deleted or forgotten, but now you can have something to show for all the time you've invested, a reminder of the fun you had, and the friendships made. Epic items are quickly replaced; gold is forever...
Always dedicated to,
"Bringing Your Fantasy To Reality"
Tim West
Fantasy Coin, LLC