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Fantasy Coin, LLC keeps your personal information private and secure. When you make a purchase from our site, you provide your name, email address, credit card information, address, phone number, and a password. We use this information to process your orders, to keep you updated on your orders and to personalize your shopping experience.

Our secure servers protect your information using advanced encryption techniques and firewall technology.

Your information is never saved onto a removable media device or cloud service, shared with 3rd parties, printed, or otherwise backed up on any other platform than our 3dCart website.

We use "cookies" to keep track of your current shopping session to personalize your experience and so that you may retrieve your shopping cart at any time.  Saved carts expire after 30 days of no activity.

This is your data and you have 100% control over its use.  If you would like us to remove your data from our website or otherwise have a complaint, please contact us through our Contact Us page and you will be removed within 48 hours.  Please note this action cannot be reversed. 

Your data will be stored on our website for your convenience for as long as you require our services.  Customers with no orders within 5 years will be removed from our records and will need to create another account if ordering again, or you may checkout as a guest.

Please note that by placing an order on our site, you will be submitting your information to our payment processors PayPal/Bank of America.  Please check their Privacy Policies found on their websites.